Working at TVW Fuel Trucks

Looking for growth opportunities together

At TVW Fuel Trucks, we have known our true strength and wealth for years: our employees. You and your colleagues are the cornerstone that carries the weight of our company, the engine that keeps it all running. Which is why it is so important to us that you keep on growing rather than remaining stagnant. One reason why we invest in a growth mindset.

But what does a ‘growth mindset’ really mean? It is the understanding that rather than our leaders, our employees are often the ones who can bring improvement. By investing in our employees – through courses and coaching, for example – we create an even better work environment together.

Customer-orientation training

The employees of TVW Fuel Trucks have taken courses related to customer orientation. In these training sessions, we work with a coach to look at the strengths and qualities that our team already has. This will help you take an open-minded approach to your everyday activities and look for opportunities to grow. A practical exercise with great impact!

Creating involvement

The message is to keep investing in ourselves. Because even a smoothly running machine needs routine maintenance. By committing to the development of powerful characteristics such as autonomy, ownership and resilience, we create involvement with each other and with our client. Together – and by that we truly mean everyone, from CEO to administrative officer and driver – we will continue to grow!

Perhaps you are the accelerator we need. Care to join us? Take a look at our latest vacancies and see if the job of your dreams is up for grabs.